GRÜN MFplus completely into the GRÜN Software AG incorporated


The GRÜN MFplus is the SAP based software for the membership management and for the donation management.

SAP industry software

The SAP industry software GRÜN MFplus is the SAP-based and SAP-certified software for member management and donation management. The GRÜN Software Group GmbH is an official SAP Silver Partner and its SAP industry software is listed as a “Certified” solution in the SAP App Center.

The software product is the tried and tested solution, qualified and certified by SAP AG, for managing members, donations and contributions. The software is suitable for non-profit organizations, CSR departments in companies and universities.

News tooGRÜN MFplus

SAP membership management

GRÜN MFplus is our solution in the SAP world and the market leader SAP based member management, which is geared towards processes of member organizations. The software runs seamlessly in the SAP ERP environment and is used in large member organizations, universities and corporate CSR departments.

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SAP donation management

GRÜN MFplus is our solution in the SAP world and the market leader SAP based donation managementwhich is geared towards processes of donation organizations. The software runs seamlessly in the SAP ERP environment and is used in large donation organizations.

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Standard processes for donation, member or university administration

The GRÜN MFplus is a system that is based on SAP ERP (SAP ECC) and is used in the GRÜN MFplus business logic masters many standard processes for donation, member or university administration with direct SAP integration. GRÜN MFplus offers you a large selection of standard processes and, at the same time, the flexibility to map individual properties of your organization using system settings.

The employees of GRÜN MFplus have many man-decades of development experience in ABAP as well as experience in SAP projects, which in the integration and connection of GRÜN Products to the SAP world, in particular SAP ERP.

As a medium-sized software manufacturer, we are specialists in the processes in our customers' industries. We manufacture efficient, innovative and highly specialized industry software in Germany and are the sponsors of the Software Made in Germany Seal.


Clubs and associations that trust us

In the following we provide you with references from users of SAP software solutions from GRÜN MFplus. The following references are only a small selection. If you would like specific references to individual products, service areas or target groups, please contact us.

Malteser Hilfsdienst eV
VDE Association of Electrical Engineering Electronics Information Technology eV
University Hospital Essen

Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle and Touring Club (ÖAMTC)
Social Association Germany
Foundation kreuznacher diakonie Church foundation under public law
Steiff Retail GmbH

Customer platform for customers and interested parties

Our customer platform offers all customers and interested parties free access to exclusive video tutorials and product innovations. Short videos with audio demonstrate the features of our software solutions. Documentation, best cast examples and software versions can also be accessed here. In addition, the customer platform serves as a ticket system for VEWA customers.

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