Big data from industry software brings innovation to market research

Innovative market research with the GRÜN data monitor. Anonymized data from the GRÜN-Data pool provide up-to-date donor figures. Online seminar on data science offer for GRÜN-Customers on March 24, 2022.

Aachen, October 04.03.2022nd, XNUMX. The GRÜN Software Group, the market-leading provider of industry software for non-profit organizations, education providers, publishers and retailers, announces the GRÜN Data monitor a new, innovative and industry-specific market research tool with up-to-date, completely anonymous data is available to all participating customers.

He starts it off GRÜN Data Monitor "Fundraising" for non-profit organizations, which has now been launched. “Every year more than one billion euros in donations and contributions are made with digital solutions from GRÜN This is a significant size in the German donation market,” says Oliver Grün, PhD., CEO of GRÜN Software Group. “Our goal is to get as many of our customers as possible to use the GRÜN Winning Data Monitor Fundraising. This opens up the entry into the discipline of data science for our customers in order to derive insights from a large amount of data from the donation market," adds Joachim Sina, Head of Fundraising at the GRÜN Software Group.

Unique in GRÜN Data Monitor Fundraising is the use of real, completely anonymous movement data. Most studies are based on survey data from personal interviews with people, which are then extrapolated. "The GRÜN In contrast to classic studies, Data Monitor Fundraising is already based on a cumulative real donation volume of over 150 million euros with the first pilot customers. This enables us to revive an ancient concept in the field of data analysis: One for all, all for one. All customers use the power of the evaluation of all data of all participants. This is a real innovation in the donation market,” says Grün as the main advantage.

The GRÜN Data Monitor Fundraising contains ten important key figures in the donation system, which are generated fully automatically and updated daily from the specific donor data and processed graphically. This includes, for example, totals of donors and donations, average values ​​for online and offline donations or donation frequency as well as distributions of the origin of donations, payment methods, donation amounts or age structure. These graphic evaluations can be differentiated according to individual years or according to one of a total of nine donation topics, such as animal welfare or child and youth welfare. In this way, for example, in benchmarking, one's own values ​​can be selected for specific topics against the entire database and thematically comparable donations from other organizations can be used. Thus, non-profit organizations have up-to-date evaluations with one click, which also allow spontaneous valuable conclusions for upcoming fundraising measures.

Privacy of Donor Data

When using real data, data protection is the central issue. Therefore, the data contained in the GRÜN Data Monitor Fundraising are already completely anonymised in the customer installation prior to transmission. For this purpose, donation data records are generated that do not contain the name, postal or e-mail address, bank details or donor number of the donor. Using an anonymization key generated on the customer side for each donor, the GRÜN Although Data Monitor Fundraising can link several donations from a donor to one another, it can never provide information about the donor or draw conclusions about a donor data record at the customer. Only these anonymous donation data records are sent to the GRÜN Handed over to Data Monitor Fundraising, all other information remains exclusively on the customer systems.

Hosting in the Aachen data center

The data pool for the GRÜN Data Monitor fundraising will be in Aachen data center with GRÜN Software Group hosted. All data of the participating organizations is transmitted anonymously and is therefore not subject to the GDPR regulations according to recital 26 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Online seminar and video tutorial for GRÜN Data monitor fundraising

To present the GRÜN Data Monitors fundraising became a video tutorial in GRÜN inside, the customer portal of GRÜN Software Group, released. In this approximately 10-minute long video tutorial, all interested non-profit organizations get a first insight into the GRÜN Data monitor fundraising.

In addition, Joachim Sina is in a Online seminar the material moisture meter shows you the GRÜN Introduce Data Monitor Fundraising and explain the connections between statistical numbers and a successful fundraising strategy. The free online seminar will take place on March 24 from 10 a.m. via Zoom. Further information on the online seminar and online registration is available online at GRÜN Digital campus a DAK Bungalow.

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