GRÜN Data monitor

Big data from industry software brings innovative market research with anonymized transaction data from the GRÜNData pool.

GRÜN Data monitor fundraising

Innovations in market research

Unique in GRÜN Data Monitor is the use of real, completely anonymous movement data. Most studies are based on survey data from personal interviews with people, which are then extrapolated. the GRÜN Data Monitor shows cumulative real data of over 150 million euros in graphical form. This opens up the discipline of data science to derive insights from a large amount of data and represents the basis for an age-old concept in the field of data analysis: one for all, all for one. All customers use the power of the evaluation of all data of all participants. This is a real innovation in the donation market.


The GRÜN Data Monitor provides decision-makers with all of them important metrics their sectors at a glance. To the point!

Highly current

industry trends daily updated benchmark data recognize promptly.

Privacy notice

Your sensitive data is completely anonymous and only visible to you in detail securely in our Aachen data center hosted.

Meaningful basis for professional decisions in fundraising

If you are looking for meaningful market data for fundraising in Germany, you will usually not get very far. The German Donation Monitor and the GfK Charity Panel only appear once a year. In addition, as a by-product of industrial market research, they do not offer a particularly meaningful basis for professional decisions in fundraising. Further studies or market data can hardly be found.

The database

More than 1000 organizations manage their donations with solutions from GRÜN Software Group and over a billion euros in donations and contributions are made every year with digital solutions from GRÜN managed. That is a significant factor in the German donation market - and a relevant and valid database for market research in the area of ​​fundraising.

Key figures

The GRÜN Data Monitor Fundraising contains ten important key figures from the donation system, which are generated fully automatically and updated daily from the specific donor data and processed graphically. This includes, for example, totals of donors and donations, average values ​​for online and offline donations or donation frequency as well as distributions of the origin of donations, payment methods, donation amounts or age structure. These graphic evaluations can be differentiated according to individual years or according to one of a total of nine donation topics, such as animal welfare or child and youth welfare.

Data security and data protection at GRÜN Software Group

Privacy notice

The data pool for the GRÜN Data Monitor Fundraising is in our Aachen data center hosted. It will no personal data saved. All data of the participating organizations are anonymized transmitted and are therefore not subject to the GDPR provisions in accordance with Recital 26 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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