VEWA donation management


Success in fundraising will be with GRÜN VEWA7 as a market leader donation management supported. In campaign management, selections based on donor classifications, scoring values ​​or relationship management are used for a targeted approach. The administration of the donor with a free address structure and via GRÜN eVEWA4 expandable donor portal on the Internet, leaves nothing to be desired, your donors can change their address themselves and receive individual feedback on their project.

GRÜN VEWA7 supports the fundraising of your organization. Classic marketing measures in the area of ​​donations - such as mailings, telephone campaigns, stand advertising, magazine inserts or other advertising - as well as new forms of donation marketing such as online donations or e-mailing campaigns can be implemented GRÜN VEWA7 can be planned and carried out.

Each in GRÜN VEWA7 defined fundraising campaign can be assigned as many promotional codes as desired. In advertising codes, the various measures are assigned to an action through which the donation proceeds are generated - for example the “Christmas mailings 2017 to the house stock” or the “Internet donations from the donation portal”.

Every promotion and every promotional code can be defined with promotion and promotional code numbers, with the promotion number in the standard model of GRÜN VEWA7 is also part of every promotional code, so that it is also possible to clearly assign donations to the campaign

Fines are an additional module in GRÜN VEWA7.

Courts that have imposed fines can GRÜN VEWA7 can be conveniently managed. Information such as the court number, type of court, address and contact details of the contact person can be entered easily and conveniently.

The management of correspondence with both the courts and the fine payer is also supported, as is the management and booking of incoming fine payments.

GRÜN VEWA7 also supports you in preparing the correspondence. Opening letters, payment notices, payment reminders and closing notices to your fine donors can be created easily and conveniently.

A fine can be paid in installments. Here offers GRÜN VEWA7 has the option of either dividing the total amount of the fine equally according to the number of installments or of determining the amount of the installments. GRÜN VEWA7 then automatically determines the respective due individual payments and stores them directly with the fine payer.

With our internet solution GRÜN eVEWA4 we offer donation organizations extensive online fundraising tools and a donor community on the Internet.

GRÜN eVEWA4 is the web-based industry solution for donation organizations that want to give their donors the opportunity to donate online. Thanks to the modern web technology used, the fundraising campaigns can also be called up on the tablet or smartphone, so that your donors have the opportunity to make donations anytime, anywhere.

Besides GRÜN eVEWA provide with our online fundraising tool GRÜN spendino a very convenient way to design and integrate Online donation forms is available for storage, management and analysis. GRÜN spendino supports donation organizations in the processing of online donations with donation forms and SMS donations.

Customer platform for customers and interested parties

Our customer platform offers all customers and interested parties free access to exclusive video tutorials and product innovations. Short videos with audio demonstrate the features of our software solutions. Documentation, best cast examples and software versions can also be accessed here. In addition, the customer platform serves as a ticket system for VEWA customers.

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