Berliner Stadtmission relies on the donation forms from GRÜN spendino
The Berlin City Mission's refrigerated buses, financed through donations, provide care for the homeless in the icy months of the year. Image: Berlin City Mission
The Berlin City Mission has been offering social services for disadvantaged groups in Berlin and Brandenburg since 1877. The work is partly financed through online donations, with the Berlin City Mission relying on the online fundraising tools of GRÜN spendino sets. One of the best-known projects financed by donations is the cold bus for the homeless.
The Berlin city mission is a social club and non-profit organization that supports disadvantaged people. Since it was founded in 1877, the city mission has grown steadily and now offers help and support in more than 90 facilities in Berlin and Brandenburg. Their target groups are extremely diverse and range from refugees and homeless people to financially disadvantaged, sick and elderly people as well as children and young people. The work of the city mission is guided by the biblical motto “Seek the good of the city and pray to the Lord for it.” directed. Although the organization has a Protestant background, it is not a church sponsor and is not financed by the church. Their main goal is to assist the people of the city, no matter what support they need. Ninon Demuth, online fundraiser at the Berlin City Mission, explains: “Our donation projects are aimed at various target groups, which also include people in need.”
The financing for the organization's diverse activities is made up of several components. In addition to some of the Berlin City Mission's commercial facilities, which are self-supporting, the funds also come from general funding and, to a large extent, donations. The latter amount to several million euros annually.
Variety of donation projects
The Berlin City Mission carries out a variety of donation projects aimed at different target groups. The best-known donation project, which has also received a lot of media attention, is the Cold bus. This is used by the Berlin City Mission together with emergency cold shelters to prevent deaths from cold among homeless people. From November 1st to March 31st each year, the cold bus is in use to track down homeless people who cannot reach emergency accommodation on their own. In addition, the city mission's employees and more than 1.800 volunteers are involved in over 90 other projects. These range from medical care for homeless people to the organization of holiday camps for children from disadvantaged backgrounds to support in the care of refugees and refugee facilities.
Collect donations online GRÜN spendino
The Berlin City Mission actively collects donations to finance its charitable projects. The fundraising team uses both online and offline channels in its diversity. It combines traditional methods, such as transfer slips in donation letters, with modern approaches, such as trackable QR codes that lead to an online donation page. There you can then use that Donation form from GRÜN spendino to be donated.
“More and more people are taking advantage of the opportunity to donate online, a trend that is increasing every year. This is further promoted through digital marketing measures such as social media posts and newsletters,” says Demuth. It is noteworthy that the donors often act out of emotional motivation and come from different sections of the population. The donation form from GRÜN spendino therefore allows donors to leave a personal message, which often reveals very touching stories and motivations.
The Berlin City Mission records a pleasing increase in online donations every year. They also owe this to the professional integration of the various donation tools GRÜN spendino on their website. Discreet but always visible Donation buttons or quick selection widgets transparently forward you to the central donation form, which receives all relevant information directly. The integration of digital campaigns, such as social media posts, also increases the number of hits on the website and thus also the amount of donations. By evaluating the various channels, the organization gains valuable insights into the effectiveness of its fundraising campaigns.
Event and campaign donations
The Berlin City Mission uses additional functions of the online fundraising tools GRÜN spendino, including for example Event and campaign donations, which motivate people to donate on birthdays or at charity running events. This form of fundraising is particularly used before Christmas and is intensively promoted through advertisements and newsletters. The set donation amounts of 15, 54 and 125 euros are based on the actual costs of the respective projects. These amounts are calculated to cover specific needs - around 15 euros for one person's medical care. This creates transparency and donors know exactly what their money is being used for.
VEWA as donation management in the back office
Through the use of the donation management GRÜN VEWA and the seamless integration into that GRÜNecosystem, all online donations automatically flow into the back office system. In VEWA they are assigned to the extensive campaign management and are thus integrated into all centrally controlled fundraising activities. This system can be used to evaluate donations and donor data to optimize fundraising campaigns. Donation receipts and thank you letters are also created here, and extensive statistics and analyzes are carried out centrally.
"The donation form from GRÜN spendino allows donors to leave a personal message, which often reveals very touching stories and motivations.”
— Ninon Demuth, online fundraiser at the Berlin City Mission