GRÜN Innovations! 2022 with new solutions and best practice customer presentations

The GRÜN Innovations! 2022 took place on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. This year, the event was also held purely virtually. Oliver Grün, PhD. and Dirk Hönscheid, the two managing directors of GRÜN Software Group, welcomed almost 200 participants; including customers, interested parties, partners and employees of all locations GRÜN Software Group.

It started at 10 a.m. In his welcome speech, Oliver Grün presented the current status and development of the GRÜN Software Groupthe Buy & Build strategy and the goals of the group of companies.

In the following lecture Dirk Hönscheid went into the latest developments of the GRÜN Software Group as a strategy partner for organizations and associations, non-profit organizations and Seminar and education providers a. This includes the latest features and functions of the industry software GRÜN VEWA also the supplementary agency services.

Hönscheid also presented a new event format: In spring 2023, the Aachen headquarters will be present for the first time GRÜN Digital Trends aligned. The event is aimed at all users of the industry software GRÜN VEWA and should support them with the optimization of their own business processes by means of best practice examples that have already been implemented.

Customer presentations with best practice examples

Virtual conference rooms were then made available to all participants, with exciting lectures from every target industry on the agenda. Here both the Wage and income tax help ring Germany eVthe Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna and the Diocesan Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Cologne eV exciting innovations that have been realized in VEWA. In other live lectures showed GRÜN-Experts new functions and features of the industry software family GRÜN VEWA.

First look at GRÜN VEWA8

The last two items on the agenda were then offered again centrally for all participants. After a presentation on the current status of the new GRÜN Customer platform the highlight was a first exclusive look at the new industry software GRÜN VEWA8 on the agenda. Olivier Chatain, Sales Director in the GRÜN Software Group, presented the new, freely configurable user interface and the innovative navigation concept at the launch. A particular highlight of the live presentation was the high performance of the new industry software.

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