Church fundraising
For church works and institutions we offer as Fundraising agency offers a wide range of fundraising and communication services. We have special experience and knowledge here. We can church!
Communication services
Our agency offers you strategic advice and operational support GRÜN alpha. If you have any questions about this area, we look forward to hearing from you non-binding request.
Fundraising strategy and concept
The Church has a special mission. And she also has special donors. That is why church institutions also need special strategies for their fundraising. We know which.
Fundraising with church topics
The operational fundraising business with church topics and target groups is a special craft. We move safely in the area of tension between the universal church and a crisis of confidence, development work and priest training and do not need an introduction to the broad spectrum of church topics. We know you.
New donation advertising in the church environment
Nowhere is the average age of donors as high as in church organizations. That means: The acquisition of new donors is even more important than it is already. But unfortunately not easy either. We know the problems. But also the solutions.
Inheritance fundraising with a spiritual impulse
Inheritance fundraising has developed well in Germany in recent years. Church senders sometimes struggle to find the right approach. Here, spirituality offers special opportunities. We would be happy to advise you on this.
Member communication for dioceses
Bishoprics and dioceses are increasingly recognizing the need to communicate with their members outside of worship. It is about financial transparency, loyalty and exit prevention. There are many ways to do this. We have a lot of experience in the conception and implementation of diocese communication. And lots of ideas.
Event communication for church and catholic days
Church and Catholic days and other major events with a church background offer institutions and organizations an important framework to present themselves to the target groups, to talk to them and to win donors. However, all of this needs to be well prepared and carried out. We support you - conceptually and operationally.
Annual campaigns for church aid organizations
The Catholic aid organizations try to reach millions of parishioners every year with their annual campaigns in order to slow down the decline in annual collections. The communities are increasingly proving to be a bottleneck. As a fundraising agency for church, Caritas, Diakonie and other institutions, we develop concepts and ideas to support the annual campaigns and optimize them through accompanying measures.
Accountability reports and other transparency media
Whether dioceses, regional churches, church sponsors of hospitals and other institutions in health care, orders; Whether Caritas or Diakonie - transparency is a matter of communication. We can help with this - with innovative ideas and a lot of experience.
Fundraising & vocational pastoral care for orders and monasteries
Orders and convents have very specific needs and themes. The further development of the existing individual donor relationships towards systematic fundraising helps to secure funding and to interest and win people over for life in the Order. An existential task that we are happy to help with.
Organizations and companies that trust us
Below we provide a small selection of satisfied customers who work with the fundraising agency GRÜN alpha work together. If you would like specific references to individual products, service areas or target groups, please contact us.