NRW Minister Pinkwart (left) in the data center of GRÜN Software AG with Oliver Grün, PhD.
Aachen, October 17.04.2019nd, XNUMX. Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart, Minister for Economy, innovation, digitization and energy NRW, was a guest at the Innovation Center of GRÜN Software AG. At the invitation of digitalHUB Aachen eV and the Federal Association IT-Mittelstand eV (BITMi) the minister showed great interest in digitization directly from the Aachen IT medium-sized companies.
At the nuclear Pascalstrasse, the hotspot of digital companies in the Aachen region, focuses on strong IT medium-sized companies and branches of digital corporations. Oliver Grün, PhD., Board Member and CEO of GRÜN Software AG, emphasized during his welcome: “In times of digitization, medium-sized IT companies are of the utmost importance for the German economy. Despite numerous obstacles and unequal conditions, digital medium-sized companies are also market leaders in many niches. Pascalstraße is a cluster for IT medium-sized companies that is contributing to digitization in Germany. "
Economics and Digital Minister Pinkwart: “Aachen is a good example of a lively, strong partnership between business, science and politics. When initiatives like the one on Pascalstrasse arise on site, this shows that the entrepreneurial spirit is lived here and the importance of digitization is recognized. Politicians can only welcome and support the will to shape digitization locally and drive it forward with great commitment. This networking of medium-sized IT companies in Aachen is a role model for other regions. "
At the end of his visit to the Aachen Area, the Minister went to the DIGITAL CHURCH of the digitalHUB Aachen eV. There he received an exciting insight into Aachen's current and future startup ecosystem.