Olivier Chatain, Sales Director with GRÜN Software AG, accepts the BITMi seal of approval from Martin Hubschneider, Vice President and Board Member of BITMi.
Aachen, October 29.03.2017nd, XNUMX. The Federal Association IT Mittelstand eV (BITMi) again this year has awarded companies the seal of approval "Software made in Germany" and "Software hosted in Germany" excellent. As part of CeBIT 2017, Martin Hubschneider, Vice President and Board Member of BITMi, presented the seal of approval to our colleague Olivier Chatain.
With the seal of approval "Software Made in Germany" wurden GRÜN VEWA7 and GRÜN eVEWA3 excellent. With this certificate, the BITMi confirms and certifies that these software solutions are created in Germany.
VEWA and eVEWA were also awarded the seal of approval "Software Hosted in Germany" excellent. The Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand eV awards this seal of approval to companies that have provided evidence of hosting in accordance with German law in domestic data centers. This seal was also given to our software solutions GRÜN ZICOM5, GRÜN LogiMore and GRÜN MFplus awarded.
The BITMi seal of approval is a valuable award, the customers and interested parties the quality of everyone GRÜN-Signal software products sustainably.