GRÜN inside: Exclusive video tutorials and product innovations

Aachen, October 08.10.2015nd, XNUMX. With GRÜN inside offers the GRÜN Software AG all customers have access to exclusive Video Tutorials and  Product innovations on. We show you the functions of our software solutions in short, sounded videos.

All contributions can be sorted by target group or level of difficulty. At the beginning, mostly beginners' contributions are created for all target groups, for example the basic functions of GRÜN VEWA6 to explain.

Select articles according to topic

All contributions can according to Subject areas selected will. A tag cloud shows you all available topics at a glance. For example, you can post directly on the topic Analysis & controlling or to do address management are displayed.

In addition to video tutorials, the GRÜN inside Product innovations published from projects, which with the GRÜN VEWA family by setting up in projects, in addition to the standard model. These are intended to provide incentives for implementation options.

If you know more about GRÜN inside want to find out, sign up free of charge.

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