Aktion Deutschland Hilft relies on SMS donations from GRÜN spendino

Action Deutschland Hilft e. V. – Alliance of German Aid Organizations is an association of German aid organizations for disaster relief. The organization provides support primarily abroad in the event of wars and conflicts, famines, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and other disasters. To collect donations, the aid organization successfully uses the SMS donation tools from GRÜN spendino.

There is famine in many parts of Africa. Flood disasters occur in South Asia. And the war in Ukraine continues. Action Germany Helps eV stands by the people in crisis areas worldwide. The aid organization collects donations to support these people.

Donate within seconds with a charity SMS

Aktion Deutschland Hilft is also involved in fundraising SMS donations and has been using online fundraising tools from for many years GRÜN spendino. dr Thilo Reichenbach, Head of Brand & Digital at Aktion Deutschland Hilft, values ​​the simplicity and speed of doing good above all: “In the event of major crises and disasters, it is important that donations can be made within seconds. That’s why Aktion Deutschland Hilft offers donors the opportunity to donate quickly and easily via SMS.” The keywords ADH10 and ADH were reserved for this purpose, which donors can use to support Aktion Deutschland Hilft with 10 euros or 5 euros in just a few seconds .

SMS donations are particularly suitable for events

SMS donations can be sent anytime and anywhere from any mobile phone or smartphone from almost any network. “For people who are on the go, it is usually too time-consuming to write down the donation account number or to fill out a form. Then donating via SMS is the first choice,” says Reichenbach as a major advantage over donation forms.

Events have to be quick. Therefore, SMS donations are particularly suitable for events where guests should have the opportunity to donate easily, quickly and easily. “Aktion Deutschland Hilft communicates the SMS keyword at major events, such as the Sound of Peace Festival broadcast by ProSiebenSat1, at events on large screens, such as in sports stadiums, and also on posters and digital screens in petrol stations, train stations, malls and airports Reichenbach explains the use of SMS donations at Aktion Deutschland Hilft.

Aktion Deutschland Hilft has been using online fundraising tools from for many years GRÜN spendino. “We are grateful that with BurdaDirect and GRÜN spendino knowing that we have a partner at our side who enables us to donate via SMS. And via Burda CDN and BurdaForward, the company provides us with an enormous reach for our advertising material. On behalf of all aid organizations from Aktion Deutschland Hilft, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the great support of our fundraising for the people from Ukraine and our worldwide help for people in need.”

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